The Svema Factory, in Shostka, Ukraine was founded in 1931. For over six decades, they produced a wide variety of photographic films and plates and ceased operations in the 1990's. Astrum Ltd., known for their aerial film products, now carries on Svema's legacy in Shostka - by releasing new films using some of the old Svema machinery.
Astrum Foto 400 is a panchromatic, high resolution, negative film, coated onto a transparent 0.10mm polyester base. Foto 400 has a protection layer on top of its emulsion to prevent scratching. The spectral sensitivity of Foto 400 is expanded into the near infrared range of the energy spectrum. Its spectral sensitivity to up to 750nm. Due to its very fine grain, its explicit detail rendering, and its ability to be processed at low contrast, this film is produces very low noise when scanned.
The film should be stored in the dark and handled in subdued light. Due to this film's unique characteristics and being loaded in re-useable cassettes, it is important to keep the film out of the light as much as possible, for best results.
- Traditional black and white film
- Polyester base, better for scanning
- Near infrared
- Non DX coded