CatLABS X 320 ISO Pro Film 35mm x 36exp. is a classic, medium-speed film, designed for a wide array of shooting conditions available in 35mm (36exp) and 120 roll film.
• An ideal “street film”, offering versatility and unique characteristics
• Following in the footsteps of some classic historic films, CatLABS X FILM 320 Pro is characterized by its distinct grain quality, contrast and tonal range, not found with other currently available films
• Produces unique deep grey tones with an almost silvery/metallic look
• Suitable for low light or available light conditions
• Exhibits a wide exposure latitude under various lighting conditions
• For best results rate it at 200 ISO when shooting outdoors under bright sunlight. Push it as high as 1600 when shooting under artificial/low light conditions
• Non DX
Sample photos by:
Jimmy Phua (@jimmy_phua)