Released in 2014, miniature versions of the Fujifilm cameras, celebrating its 80th anniversary. The series includes Snapshot disposable cameras to the the latest model, X-T1, emphasizing on the the 80-year history of Fujifilm. The miniatures comes with parts so taht the miniature can be attached to the hotshoe.
The lineup consists of five variants:
- X-TA + XF18-55mm F2.8-4 R LM OIS
- X-A1 + XF27mm F2.8
- X100S
- Snapshot flash
- Snapshot first generation
*Note : although the workmanship of these are so detailed, we noticed some minor 'flaws' (eg. fittings slightly loose) etc. Moreover, these are toys and are not 'New'. Do purchase with caution. Does not come with capsule.