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Nara 07 - 250D Daylight Colour 35mm film

Nara 07 - 250D Daylight Colour 35mm film

Regular price $16.00 SGD
Regular price $18.00 SGD Sale price $16.00 SGD
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Vison 5250D Film has outstanding skin tones and color reproduction, while adding technical innovation that improve product performance and increase product versatility. The proprietary, advanced Dye Layering Technology (DLT) provides noticeably reduced grain in shadows, allowing you to pull out an amazing amount of shadow details. The proprietary Sub-Micron Technology enables 2 stops of extended highlight latitude.

    • Made from 5207 motion picture film
    • Rem-Jet layer NOT removed
    • Film Format: 35mm color negative
    • ISO: 250
    • Process: ECN-2