A balanced mix of sensitivity and fine grain. In addition, there is the excellent sharpness performance and the very wide exposure latitude. These are the advantages of the RPX 100.
With a nominal sensitivity of ISO 100/21°, the Rollei RPX 100 is a medium-speed black-and-white negative film with fine grain, which ensures high edge sharpness. For brilliant results with a wide tonal range – ideal for bright light conditions. The Rollei RPX 100 behaves excellently in overexposure or underexposure thanks to its optimum exposure latitude of up to 2 f-stops.
- Panchromatic sensitized (high silver contet)
- Resolving power contrast 1000:1 = 160 lines/mm
- Very fine grain - grain size RMS (× 1000) = 7
- Layer thickness of 7 mμ
- Very good sound reproduction
- Good pull-push characteristics, from 50 to 200 ISO with minor adjustment of development times
- Very good maximum blackness (D-Max)
- Optimal flatness
- Triacetate base (120 mμ) with a light mask